
May Day

May 1 International Labor Day, also known as the international labor day, labor day, is the labor day in most countries in the world.
Workers in order to safeguard their rights in the United States launched a labor strike in Chicago. In honor of the great workers' movement, the second International Conference on 1889 was held in May 1st as the international labor day.
The Central People's Government of China made a decision on December 1949, which was established in May 1st as labor day. After 1989, the State Council basically every 5 years in recognition of a national model workers and advanced workers, each about 3000 people.
1921 "51" on the eve of changhsintien labor cram school in Beijing Communist group members Deng Zhongxia founded, the workers learn to sing "memorial songs". The lyrics are: "the beautiful freedom, world star, fight blooded, sacrifice for him, to take away the force system everything clean, remember the beautiful day of May 1st. The red flag flying, walk bright road, each one takes what he needs, let each person do his best, rich and poor, responsibility only mutual aid, wish hard everyone together enterprising." This stalwart and emollient song, is a hot store labor practice school teachers and students of the Peking University created a common progress.
People celebrate the labor day in different ways.
In Europe is still a demonstration to celebrate the May Day in the United Kingdom and Germany, the authorities are worried that there will be no fear of protests and demonstrations. In Berlin, Germany, police and anarchist clashed in the middle of the night. Thousands of union activists, however, marched peacefully in the city. In France and Austria, people opposed to pension reform also took part in the parade. From the Turkey state television news picture can be seen, the police beat demonstrators with batons, and pulled one of his hair to pull him away. Italy: do not celebrate holidays. Britain, France and other European countries will be 51 as labor day, many countries have a day off, as well as the country will be based on the situation of public holidays on the first Monday in May. However, most of the countries in the world and is not the same as Italy, while admitting that "51" International Labor Day, the government also expressed respect for labor, but generally do not hold a special celebration, there is no national "51" holiday.
Peru in the United States in May 1st for the national labor day, and the National Day off. The United States government in the establishment of labor day, the first Monday in September each year for labor day, so the American Labor Day is not in May, and in the year of September. Every September labor day, Americans can have a day off, people throughout the United States will generally be held parades, rallies and other celebrations to show respect for the workers. In some states, people will have a picnic after the parade, eating and drinking, singing and dancing. At night, some places will be fireworks.
In Africa, Thailand, in 1932, for the first time, the Labour Act was enacted, and the annual labor day, which was held in May 1st, was cited as a reward for hard work. On this day, Thailand unified national day off, in the capital as well as some big cities will be related to the celebration, but the scale will not be too large. Egypt: known as labor day in May 1st, is regarded as paid leave. Traditionally, the Egyptian President presided over the official May festival celebrations in Cairo; however, due to the president's case, according to the 2011 revolution, and controlled by the state's head facing corruption charges, the National Trade Union Center (Egyptian Federation of trade unions), 2011 is celebrated by independent trade unions (unite under the banner of Egypt held as an independent Industry Federation of trade unions), for the first time since the revolution of 1952. South Africa: public holidays in South Africa since 1994 each year since May 1st.

May day is a tribute to every work. I hope all the workers happy holidays!

